Checkup - Mobile App Design
Problem Statement
Dealing with a chronic illness can be very debilitating for many people. Trying to keep track of medication and symptoms is often overwhelming and time-consuming. Many apps that allow users to keep track of their medication and symptoms also track many other things, which can feel distracting for users who just want to manage their medications and symptoms. Other apps’ symptom tracking isn’t actual tracking, but instead imputing a list of current symptoms so AI can give a diagnosis, which is more catered to determining if the user has a temporary illness or infection.
The Solution - Checkup
Checkup is task task-driven app that allows users to keep track of their medications and symptoms. Includes charts to easily view symptoms that occurred in the last seven days, and view trends over the last twelve months. Additionally, users can get reminders for when they need to take their medication and keep track of their inventory so they know when to refill their prescriptions. Checkup can be used by anyone. Whether the user needs to keep track of a health condition, track symptoms for a new diagnosis, or keep track of medicine when sick, Checkup can be a valuable tool. Checkup could also be used by parents who need to keep track of their child’s symptoms or medications.
Even though Checkup is an app that can be used by everyone, I focused on individuals who are either trying to manage a medical condition they already have, or are trying to get a diagnosis for one. I also wanted to focus on those who are just learning how to balance managing their health with everyday life, like college-age individuals who are just getting used to navigating life on their own.

User Flow
Checkup is a task-based app for users to record and track data, so there are a lot of different options that a user might or might not use each time they’re in the app. This user flow combines multiple tasks a user might complete throughout the day to showcase more of what Checkup can do. To simplify the process not all paths were prototyped, so the chosen route was highlighted.

Wireframes & Variations

Final Style Guide

Final - Today Screens

Final - History Screens

Final - Medication Screens

Final - Popup Screens